At 00:00 02/29/2108 +11.00, you wrote:
I read the new posts. Do not worry beforehand that I will respond in kind ...
But now there is a stupendous sunset with the immense sun sinking into a red glare
that tears the delicate blue of this sky out of season.
I get emotional.
Erratic the thought floats in this sleepy evening and a vision touches my mind:
this is the same sunset that, stunned, I watched as a child reflected in the glass of my window.
But now the evening has fallen, the light has disappeared along with the old visions.
A sudden cold breeze rises to remind me that we are still in winter, and the darkest thoughts return.
I am moved again imagining how many incredible efforts are being made
in a desperate attempt to avert, in some way, our terrible mortal destiny.
Higher-order motivations are invented, even post-mortem worlds,
and we are also willing to risk having to suffer for eternity in a hypothetical hell
in order to nurture a senseless hope of immortality.
I can only sympathize with these my brothers believers but I do not want to delude myself.
I can't stand the idea of spending my life cultivating a trick. I want to know the truth.
And behold, no longer shielded by the dazzling sunlight,
our two wonderful green moons appear in the sky.
Greetings, Eli